World Water Day 2016
“The power of water and jobs – transforming people’s lives”
Happy #WorldWaterDay 2016! The theme of World Water Day this year is “Better water, better jobs”, ME&A through its water project in Armenia -ASPIRED (Advanced Science & Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development)- is pleased to support USAID’s water resource objectives in Armenia.
The purpose of the ASPIRED Project is to support sustainable water resource management and sustainable practices of water users in the Ararat Valley through the use of science, technology, innovation and partnership initiatives. The ultimate goal is to reduce the rate of groundwater extraction in the Ararat Valley to the sustainable levels.
USAID’s recent assessment of the status of groundwater resources in the Ararat Valley – the country’s key agricultural hub – has indicated an alarming situation. The decreasing level of the groundwater supply and the uncontrolled use of artesian water by fish farms have left some 30 communities in the Ararat and Armavir marzes without reliable access to drinking or irrigation water.
ME&A would like to dedicate World Water Day 2016 to the almost 1.5 billion people who work in water related sectors. This year’s theme focuses on how enough quantity and quality of water can change workers’ lives and livelihoods, transforming societies and economies.
In 1993, the UN General Assembly designated March 22 as the first World Water Day. Twenty-two years later, World Water Day is celebrated around the world. This year’s theme is all about how water links to all areas of development to create a sustainable future. For more information on World Water Day go to unwater.org
Since 2005, ME&A (Mendez England & Associates) has been providing innovative solutions for integrated Water and Natural Resources Management worldwide, providing jobs in the water sector to help individuals, communities and governments to improve water resources, address climate change, develop clean energy, and achieve food security and better hygiene.