USAID Program Brings Safe Water to Rural Armenia
ME&A through the USAID-funded Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) currently sponsors safe water supply projects in four rural Armenian communities. The projects are being implemented by USAID’s CEW Program and the Armenian Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC).
An event to launch the projects was held recently in the community of Lukashin, where one of the four water supply projects will be implemented. The inaugural event was attended by USAID Mission Director Dr. Karen Hilliard, VivaCell General Manager Ralph Yirikian, and Lukashin Mayor Karen Mkrtchyan.
The four projects will address issues of dated infrastructure and limited water access in the communities. By laying new piping, installing pumping and reservoir stations where needed, and adding water metering systems to the water networks, the communities’ water safety, efficiency, and access will be significantly improved from two to three hours of access a day to 24-hour access.
The CEWP is a four-year project awarded to ME&A in 2011 under USAID’s Water II IQC, designed to support Armenia in improving sustainable management of its water and energy sectors.