USAID/Rwanda Collaboration, Learning, and Adapting Activity
CLIENT: U.S. Agency for International Development Mission to Rwanda
PRACTICE AREAS: Performance Improvement of Local Systems; Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning; and Cross-Cutting Program Support.
TIME PERIOD: 2021 to 2026
The Collaboration, Learning, and Adapting Activity (CLAA) assists USAID/Rwanda in improving performance monitoring, evaluation, collaboration, learning, and adapting processes to incorporate data in all decision-making. David Hughes serves as the CLAA chief of party.
The CLAA, based in Kigali, was designed to enhance the U.S.-Rwanda partnership and enable the Mission to achieve the goal of the Rwanda Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2020-2025 – strengthened human capital, robust private sector, and accountable institutions required to advance self-reliance. It is comprised of four main tasks:
- Assess strengths and challenges in the Mission’s capacity and systems for continuous learning and adaptation and collaborate with Mission staff to develop targeted approaches to strengthen these areas
- Provide data analysis, synthesis, and visualization services
- Provide facilitation services that enable internal and external collaboration
- Enable USAID/Rwanda to better support and partner with local monitoring, evaluating, and learning (ME&L) experts to carry out monitoring, evaluations and assessments
CLAA is a $9.8 million, five-year contract USAID/Rwanda awarded ME&A under the USAID/Kenya and East Africa Evaluation, Assessments, and Analyses Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract.