Food for Peace (FFP) Evaluation & Learning Mechanism (EVELYN)
CLIENT: U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Food for Peace
COUNTRY: Worldwide
PRACTICE AREA: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
PARTNERS: Abt Associates, ICF International, NORC at the University of Chicago, and Tango International
TIME PERIOD: 2017 to 2018
Under the Food for Peace Evaluation and Learning Mechanism (EVELYN) task order ME&A conducted studies and evaluations—including population-based studies and performance evaluations—to examine whether Food for Peace (FFP) projects are achieving their objectives; how primary stakeholders perceive the projects; and whether FFP’s approaches, methods, and interventions are cost-efficient, effective, and sustainable.
EVELYN provided both field-based and home office support for USAID/FFP’s core mission. Field-based activities included conducting performance and impact evaluations, special studies, qualitative baseline studies, and baseline and end-line PBSs in targeted countries facing food insecurity. Under its Knowledge Management and Learning component, EVELYN also reviewed and synthesized FFP’s previous work to capture important lessons learned that could inform future programming.
FFP, USAID’s primary food assistance program, has reached more than three billion hungry people since its inception some 60 years ago. FFP provides emergency food assistance to those affected by conflict and natural disasters and provides development food assistance to address the underlying causes of hunger. FFP’s programs cover a broad array of activities designed to help communities build their resilience so they can prevent or mitigate shocks, make sure they have food during a crisis and provide them the tools to recover and build the foundation for their long-term development.
USAID awarded the $20 million EVELYN task order contract to ME&A in 2017 under the Policy, Planning and Learning-Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL-LER) IDIQ Contract to provide evaluation, monitoring, and assessment services for USAID Missions and Offices worldwide.