Bangladesh Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (BMEL) Activity
CLIENT: U.S. Agency for International Development Mission to Bangladesh
COUNTRY: Bangladesh
PRACTICE AREA: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning and Cross-Cutting Program Support.
TIME PERIOD: 2018 to 2023
The Bangladesh Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (BMEL) Activity enables the USAID Mission in Bangladesh to use evidence-based performance information more effectively in programmatic decision-making to achieve better development results. John Roscoe, J.D., is chief of party.
BMEL, awarded in November 2018 and run from a project office in Dhaka, is comprised of three components:
- Monitoring of technical services to strengthen evidence-based decision-making for project design and implementation of development programming. Besides field-based data collection, verification, and data quality assessments, this component includes short-term advisory assistance to support Mission-wide strategic planning and alignment efforts, advisory support in the refinement of USAID/Bangladesh strategy documents, and assistance with activity and sector-level indicators.
- Evaluation of technical services, such as mid-term and final performance evaluations, impact evaluations, geographic and sectoral assessments, activity-specific assessments and verifications, sectoral surveys, and indicator baseline analyses.
- Learning and adaptive management services aimed at mainstreaming learning, adaptation, and knowledge management within USAID/Bangladesh throughout the activity/project cycle. This component additionally focuses on capacity-building activities bolstering the monitoring, evaluation, and learning technical capacity for USAID/Bangladesh staff, implementing partners, collaborating organizations, and Government of Bangladesh counterparts.
These components run across the USAID/Bangladesh portfolio, which focuses on assisting Bangladesh in becoming a knowledge-based, healthy, food secure, and climate resilient middle-income democracy.
BMEL is a $9.4 million, five-year contract. USAID/Bangladesh awarded BMEL to ME&A under the U.S. General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedule 874, Professional Services Schedule (PSS/MOBIS).