
ME&A is prime contractor to USAID/Jamaica on a locally led partnership with the Government of Jamaica Ministry of National Security. Contact: Diana Rutherford.
ME&A is the prime contractor for the CLAA assisting USAID/Rwanda in improving performance monitoring, evaluation, collaboration, learning, and adapting processes. Contact: David Hughes

ME&A is prime contractor to USAID/Global Health on a contract to provide evaluation, assessment, and learning support for health-related projects and activities at USAID/Washington and USAID Missions. Contact: Andrea Camoens
ME&A is the prime contractor on the MEL4PCM activity providing monitoring, evaluation, and learning services to USAID/RDMA in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Archipelago. Contact: Chris Coffman

Other Clients

ME&A is developing evidence-based guidance to address gender disparities in forest and carbon monitoring for the State Department. Contact: Chris Coffman
ME&A is evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and relevance of migration programming in the Western Hemisphere for the State Department. Contact: Chris Coffman.

ME&A is evaluating livelihoods programming for Syrian refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Contact: Chris Coffman.
ME&A is evaluating Civic, Voter, and Human Rights (CVR) projects in 26 countries in Europe and Eurasia for the U.S. Department of State. Contact: Chris Coffman.

Featured Completed Projects
- USAID/Central Asia Learning from Evaluations and Assessments for Development (LEAD)
- Bangladesh Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (BMEL) Activity
- USAID/Tanzania Data for Development
- USAID/Armenia Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development Project
- Feed the Future Global Program Evaluation for Effectiveness and Learning
- USAID/El Salvador Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Initiative
- Population, Refugees, and Migration Programs Evaluation in the Caucuses for U.S. Department of State
- World Bank Irrigation Technical Assistance Contract in Albania
- Georgia Human and Institutional Capacity Development 2020 Activity
- Institutional Support for Development Credit Authority Credit Guarantee Programs
- USAID/Georgia Evaluation Mechanism Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC)
- Kosovo Property Rights Program
- Tajikistan Safe Drinking Water Project
- Water Sector Communications and Knowledge Management Program