PEEL Conducting Feed the Future Population-Based Survey in Uganda
ME&A and our subcontractor ICF International are conducting a Feed the Future population-based survey in Uganda under the Feed the Future Global Program Evaluation for Effectiveness and Learning (PEEL).
The purpose of the Zone of Influence (ZOI) population-based survey is to assess progress in high level impact indicators in areas where Feed The Future Works. A ZOI is a geographic area where Feed The Future programs are expected to impact hunger, poverty, and nutrition. The survey will serve as an endline for Feed The Future Phase 1 with a ZOI covering 40 of Uganda’s 122 districts and a baseline for Phase 2 with a ZOI of 38 districts.
The survey’s objectives are to:
- Determine whether there has been statistically significant change over time in Phase 1 key outcome and impact indicators
- Establish the baseline status of Feed The Future Phase 2 ZOI indicators
- Establish baseline status of Feed The Future Phase 2 indicators in the Country Development and Cooperation Strategy resilience zone
Study populations include households and several categories of children, women, men, and farmers. Survey results will provide data to inform U.S. Government interagency partners, the USAID Bureau for Food Security, USAID Missions, host country governments, and development partners.
USAID awarded the PEEL task order contract to ME&A in 2016 under the Policy, Planning and Learning-Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL-LER) IDIQ to provide evaluation, monitoring, and assessment services for USAID Missions and Offices worldwide. PEEL has conducted or is conducting 20 performance evaluations in more than 30 countries.
The Feed The Future initiative aims to address the root causes of global hunger and food security through focused activities in 12 Feed The Future target countries.