Outcome Assessment of Media Freedom Programs in Europe
This was an outcome‐based evaluation of U.S. Department of State Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF) programs aimed at fostering freedom of the press in European countries known to have significant restrictions on media freedom. These countries included Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus and Russia. The evaluation covered eight media freedom programs administered by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL). The primary objectives for these media freedom programs in Europe were to:
- Bolster media freedom by building the professional capacity of media professionals through activities, including journalism trainings, media monitoring, supporting networks of journalists covering high‐risk topics, and disseminating objective information;
- Promote an independent media sector and increase access to information to provide alternatives to state‐owned media.
The Outcome Assessment of Media Freedom Programs in Europe addressed four
key areas:
- Program effectiveness;
- Quality of the program;
- Short‐term and intermediate impact of the program; and
- Fit of the program relative to other USG‐funded media freedom programs in the country.
To conduct this evaluation, ME&A worked closely with its subcontractor, NORC, and with local subcontractors in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia and Poland.