New Water System Sparks Savings for Armenian Village
The USAID Armenia Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) team recently participated in the opening ceremony of the newly completed water supply improvement project for the village of Hartavan. The governor of Aragatsotn, Sargis Sahakyan led community officials along with USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, Jonathan Katz, and USAID Armenia Mission Director, Karen Hilliard, in the inauguration festivities.
Before the inception of the USAID/CEWP water improvement project, Hartavan did not have access to a safe and reliable water supply. Most of the village’s water sources were seasonal and had no protection from potential pollution. The village’s only reliable source of water was the small and obsolete pumping station located on the Aparan-Yerevan water main, and Hartavan’s water distribution network was in poor condition. Household connections were not metered, and water loss due to leakage and waste was at 80% or more. Water was available only two to three hours a day, and the risk of waterborne diseases was high.
USAID/CEWP’s critical improvements to Hartavan’s existing water system resulted in a safe chlorinated water supply for all the households in the village available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thanks to the installation of water meters throughout the village, water consumption is more accurately accounted for. CEWP also provided the municipality with new software to assist the billing and collection of water fees. As a result, the community’s water service revenue has almost doubled, and it is anticipated that Hartavan will save more than 23,000 cubic meters of water and 17,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
ME&A has implemented the Armenia Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) for USAID since 2011 in support of the Agency’s Water and Development Strategy.