New System Brings Potable Water to Armenian Village
Residents of Mrgashat Village in the Armavir Region of Armenia recently celebrated completion of a water supply renovation project implemented with support from the USAID Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) in partnership with the Nor Akunk utility company and the local government. The new system was inaugurated by the mayor of Mrgashat who remarked that community members remembered when they were fortunate if they had 2 hours of water daily. Now, local citizens have 20-24 hours daily of portable water service. USAID Armenia Mission Director, Karen Hilliard, attended the community celebration along with executives of the Nor Akunk utility.
In her remarks, Dr. Hilliard emphasized the importance of clean water projects to rural Armenia, where many inhabitants feel a severe shortage of potable water due to deteriorated infrastructure. During her visit, Dr. Hilliard also visited a local home where villagers shared their enthusiasm for the project.
One feature of the celebration was an exhibit containing photos of project activities, examples of old corroded pipes and newly installed polyethylene pipes, and a water sample from the new Mrgashat water supply. Under the old system, 80% of water was lost between the source and the consumer due to the poor condition of the infrastructure. About seven kilometers of deteriorated pipe were replaced with corrosion-free, durable polyethylene pipe. Now, the renovated system provides water that meets the safe drinking water standards of the Government of Armenia. The local utility company, Nor Akunk, will be responsible for maintenance and quality control of the new system.
ME&A is the prime contractor for The Clean Energy and Water (CEW) Program, a USAID-funded four-year project designed to support Armenia in improving sustainable management of water and energy sectors through developing capacity for integrated energy and water resource planning, implementation of clean energy and water demonstration projects, public outreach and donor coordination activities.