New Plan Provides Path to Integrated Resource Management in Armenia
On August 7, the USAID Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) presented the draft Southern Basin Management Plan to key stakeholders in the Government of Armenia, the National Assembly, science and academic institutions, the private sector, NGOs, and international organizations involved in natural resources management and protection in Armenia.
The draft document, developed in close collaboration with the Ministry of Nature Protection and the Water Resources Management Agency, consolidates the basin management plans for the Vorotan, Voghji and Meghriget rivers that were prepared by CEWP during its four years in Armenia.
Speaking at the presentation of the draft, Minister of Nature Protection, Aramayis Grigoryan, highlighted USAID’s role in the institutional development of the Water Resources Management Agency and its basin management organizations. USAID’s Mission Director in Armenia, Karen Hilliard, reiterated the need for integrated resource planning to ensure more sustainable management of water systems in Armenia considering its economic, social and environmental challenges.
ME&A has implemented the Armenia Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) for USAID since 2011 in support of the Agency’s Water and Development Strategy.