Mid–Term Performance Evaluations of USAID/Jordan Institutional Support and Strengthening program (ISSP) and the Water Reuse and Environmental Conservation Project (WREC)
USAID/Jordan awarded ME&A the task order contract to conduct two project evaluations in the water sector. The first is the end of project evaluation of the Institutional Support and Strengthening Program (ISSP), and, the second, the mid-term evaluation of the Water Reuse and Environmental Conservation Project (WREC). Two ME&A teams traveled to Amman, Jordan in mid-October 2013 and stayed through mid-November 2013 to gather primary data from stakeholders and project implementers.
ISSP is one of four major programs that USAID developed in coordination with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) and the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ). Its objective is to identify and then implement a range of institutional reforms to address key institutional constraints for more effective and efficient management of the water sector. Its overall goal is to enable the Government of Jordan to better manage demands on its water sector.
The WREC Project provides capacity building, technical assistance and training to support key institutions, such as the Ministry of Environment and various national laboratories in a variety of areas including environmental analysis and governance, industrial waste management and landfill rehabilitation, industrial wastewater treatment, water reuse and pollution prevention.
Since 2010, ME&A has conducted more than 40 evaluations for USAID and the U.S. Department of State in more than 25 countries worldwide.