Mid-term Performance Evaluations of the Business Enabling Project (BEP) and the Sustainable Local Development Project (SLDP) in Serbia (2013)
The USAID Mission in Serbia has awarded ME&A the mid-term performance evaluations task orders of two economic development projects: the Business Enabling Project (BEP) and the Sustainable Local Development Project (SLDP). These evaluations began in mid-June 2013 with two ME&A teams currently in Serbia. The SLDP evaluation concludes field work on July 1, and the BEP on July 8.
BEP was designed in 2010 to assist Serbia in improving its business enabling environment. The project is the result of a thorough planning and analysis process, which culminated with the assessment of Serbia’s assistance needs in the area of economic policy for the period 2011–2015 as well as recommendations for a new activity design to support improvements in the business enabling environment and Serbia’s path to European Union (EU) membership. The evaluation will provide rigorous, evidence-based and independent analysis on BEP’s performance at the project’s mid-term.
SLDP was designed in 2010 to contribute to both USAID economic growth and good governance goals by supporting municipalities, business advocacy organizations, and civil society organizations to move beyond municipality-by-municipality solutions in favor of cooperative, inter-municipal approaches to improving public services and invigorating their economies. This evaluation will provide rigorous, evidence-based, and independent analysis on the performance of USAID contractor, Chemonics, at the project’s mid-term and review SLDP’s activities and results from January 2011 to the present.
These two projects are part of a USAID strategic plan to generate a more competitive market economy for Serbia and will provide USAID with a measurement of change in development outcomes.
Since 2010, ME&A has conducted more than 40 evaluations for USAID and the U.S. Department of State in over 25 countries worldwide.