Mid-Term Evaluation of the USAID/Kosovo Business Enabling Environment Program (BEEP) (2012)
For this evaluation, ME&A assembled a team with the goal to provide USAID with – a) an external assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the BEEP implementation; b) evaluated activities under each program and their contribution to achievement of BEEP’s goals; and c) deficiencies for future improvement. The evaluation methodology emphasized more on qualitative data, including interviews and meetings with key stakeholders and project staff/experts, a self-administered questionnaire with open-ended questions, intensive review of BEEP documents, and a self-evaluation exercise with specific questions.
Funded by USAID, the BEEP program has been implemented since July 2010. The project goal is to improve the business environment in Kosovo through the implementation of three components: 1) Improving rules and regulations; 2) Lowering trade Barriers; and 3) Creating a more efficient financial sector. This ME&A evaluation sought to determine the broader impact of the BEEP project on attitude, policy, institutional capacity and trends.