ME&A to Meet World’s Future Leaders at American University Job and Internship Fair
ME&A is excited to connect with the world’s future leaders at American University’s Fall 2024 Job and Internship Fair Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the American University campus. This is a great chance for students and recent graduates to learn more about how they can make a global impact through ME&A’s international development work.
“I am excited to once again be part of AU job fairs and meet young professionals who are already planning to join the workforce,” said ME&A Director of Human Resources Lizette Laserna Salvador. “ME&A provides opportunities for new graduates to gain tools to help them grow in their chosen field by exposing them to different areas of expertise that ME&A has. This on-the-job experience helps them develop an expertise to be used as a springboard for a rewarding career.”
Ms. Salvador, Communications and Geographic Information Systems Specialist Thomas G. England, and Project Coordinator Kenneth “Ken” Goughnour will be at ME&A’s booth to talk with students and recent graduates about how they can use their skills and experience to join ME&A and work with clients like USAID and the U.S. Department of State.
“When you stop by our booth, it’s a great chance to see what really drives the work we do at ME&A,” Mr. England said. “We’re looking for people who are excited about making the world a better place in a diverse, inclusive environment. Come say ‘hi,’ and let’s talk about how your skills and passions could fit into what we do and help kick-start your career!”
Read more about life at ME&A and ME&A staff members and interns by clicking on the links below:
- 2024 Intern Andrew Rozario assisting several headquarters’ teams, including human resources, finance, and business development
- Project Coordinator Kenneth Goughnour who is a second generation returned Peace Corps volunteer
- Winter 2024 Intern Mariana Garcia-Ortiz supporting ME&A’s business development team.
- Senior Program Director Christopher Coffman who took 15 months off work to travel around the world with his wife.
- Summer 2023 Intern Mira Levin-Antila reflecting on her time at ME&A working on monitoring, evaluation, and learning projects related to Ukraine and Syrian refugees among other current global events.
- Contracts and Compliance Director Ani Madriz, who began telecommuting from Texas during the pandemic to be closer to her daughter and family.
- Summer 2018 intern Bezawit “Beza” Fekadu who joined Chemonics International after college graduation.
- Vice President Emeritus for Learning Technologies Donald Smith, PhD, the MENCH behind ME&A’s viral website blog posts on leadership.
- Summer 2023 Interns Nhi Nguyen, Ms. Levin-Antila, Angelo Salvador, and Nicholas Sharp.
- Dulce Alanna Lejarde, a fall 2022 intern, hired as human resources and administrative assistant after using her internship to make a pandemic career change. She is featured in the video on this page.
- Summer 2022 Intern Mark Ferrer hired as a full-time records and database assistant.
- Fall 2021 Intern Alexander Keninitz hired as a full-time project coordinator. Mr. Keninitz is featured in the video on this page along with Ms. Lejarde. The two coordinated to produce the video.
More information about the Sept. 18, 2024, event – open to American University students, alumni, and registered employees – is available on the American University website.