ME&A Sponsors SID-Washington 2021 Virtual Annual Conference
ME&A was pleased to be a Silver sponsor of the Society for International Development-Washington (SID) Annual Conference May 26 and 27, 2021. The theme of the 2021 conference, the second virtual due to COVID-19, was “Mind the Gap.”
Some 1,300 development professionals from around the world participated in this year’s conference along with multiple exhibitors, including ME&A. ME&A team members hosted a virtual booth in the virtual exhibit hall and had the opportunity to chat with many SID members. ME&A also hosted a separate networking booth on both days and had a video about how the company adapted to COVID-19 included in the sponsor video sessions.
This year’s opening plenary was a fireside chat with USAID Principal Advisor to the Administrator Mark Feierstein and SID-Washington Board Chair Wade Warren on USAID’s highest priorities, including COVID-19; climate change; and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The discussion provided their thoughts on the way forward in unprecedented and challenging times.
ME&A is a long-standing member of SID, a non-profit organization composed of individuals and institutions concerned with sustainable international development. ME&A has served as a sponsor for SID-Washington’s annual conference for many years.