ME&A Joins United Nations Global Compact
ME&A recently became an official participant in the United Nations Global Compact. The company joins more than 9,000 business and non-business participants in 135 countries.
As a participant, ME&A, Inc. commits to:
- Set in motion changes to business operations so that the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles become part of ME&A’s strategy, culture and day-to-day operations
- Advocate the UN Global Compact and the Ten Principles via available communications channels
- Communicate annually with its stakeholders on efforts to implement the UN Global Compact principles and post its annual Communication on Progress (COP) on the UN Global Compact website.
With the support of business and other stakeholders, the UN Global Compact’s governance framework was adopted by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on August 12, 2005, following a year-long international process co-led by Georg Kell, then Executive Director of the UN Global Compact and Professor John Ruggie, then Special Advisor to the Secretary-General. That process included studying networked governance models of other cutting-edge global action and solution networks and holding focus groups with participants and stakeholders, including governments, local networks, and academics. The resulting governance framework distributes governance functions among several entities so as to engage participants and stakeholders at the global and local levels in making decisions and giving advice on the matters of greatest importance to their role and participation in the UN Global Compact, and to reflect the initiative’s public-private and multi-stakeholder character.
The UN Global Compact Office is located at UN headquarters in New York, New York. Additional information on the UN Global Compact can be found at www.unglobalcompact.org.