ME&A Headquarters Moves to New Office Space in Bethesda Towers
ME&A’s headquarters moved to the Bethesda Towers office building in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., on March 12, 2018. Our headquarters office address is now 4350 East-West Highway Suite 210, Bethesda, MD 20814 USA. Our headquarters phone number remains the same: +1 (301) 652-4334. The ME&A offices are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.
We moved to the new space after more than 10 years at our previous address on Montgomery Avenue, just a block away in Bethesda, Maryland. At ME&A we have also launched a new corporate website at http://www.MEandAHQ.com, and we continue to publish news and updates regularly on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
ME&A, formerly known as Mendez England & Associates, Inc., has officially changed its name to ME&A, Inc.