ME&A Evaluating Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth Project in Rwanda
ME&A is conducting a performance evaluation of the USAID/Rwanda Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth (PSDAG) project. Now in its fourth year, PSDAG is a five-year, $25 million activity that aims to increase the incomes of smallholder farmers in Rwanda by promoting private sector investment.
In May 2018, an evaluation team assembled by ME&A traveled to five districts in Rwanda to collect data for the evaluation, which included conducting:
- 66 interviews with Government of Rwanda officials, PSDAG program staff, cooperative members, and other stakeholders
- 106 focus group discussions with farmers
- A beneficiary-based survey of 902 farmers
The team will analyze the mixed-method data to answer the evaluation questions and write a final report that provides a comprehensive update of PSDAG’s progress to date.
ME&A is conducting this performance evaluation for USAID under the Policy, Planning and Learning-Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL-LER) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract to provide evaluation, monitoring and assessment services for USAID Missions and offices worldwide.