ME&A Evaluates USAID “Feed the Future” Project in Rwanda
The USAID Mission in Rwanda has selected ME&A to conduct the mid-term performance evaluation of the Rwanda Integrated Improved Livelihoods Program (RIILP). Fieldwork began on January 18th in Kigali and will end on February 18, 2015. Locally known as the Ejo Heza Program, the project aims to improve the livelihoods and food consumption of Rwanda’s disadvantaged population, particularly women, by building the capacity of low income households to access appropriate financial services necessary to grow local agricultural businesses. Simultaneously, it works with financial services providers to recognize and approach rural market opportunities, while increasing their capacity to foster linkages between opportunities and products.
This five-year project under USAID’s Feed the Future initiative, covers eight districts of Rwanda’s Southern and Western Provinces. The ME&A evaluators will assess the progress of the Ejo Heza Program over its first three years towards achieving agricultural productivity and demand for financial services, Increased supply of financial services, behavioral change and marketing, as well as health and nutrition. The final report will provide recommendations to help guide the program team to make necessary corrections or adjustments over its final two years.
Since 2010, ME&A has conducted more than 55 evaluations and assessments for USAID, the U.S. Department of State and the Millennium Challenge Corporation in over 25 countries worldwide.