ME&A Delivers Infrastucture and Construction Training to USAID Under Tetra Tech Subcontract
ME&A has been developing for USAID cost-effective and results-oriented knowledge management tools, education materials, and training courses to support USAID Bureaus and field missions infrastructure and construction programs throughout their design, procurement, and implementation. This includes infrastructure carried out under other USAID programs, such as constructing schools under USAID education programs and constructing health facilities under USAID health programs.
ME&A is doing the work as a subcontractor to Tetra Tech under the the Construction Contracting, Webpage, and Knowledge Management Support (CCWKMS) task order. CCWKMS’s primary objective is to improve USAID access to architecture, engineering, and construction services, knowledge, best management practices, lessons learned, literature, and references. CCWKMS includes two components: training needs assessment/curricula development/course delivery and webpage/SharePoint development.
ME&A was tasked to lead an initial needs assessment followed by designing and delivering training courses covering a wide range of subjects related to the design, procurement, and management of engineering and construction services. Topics include FAR and ADS requirements, USAID construction policy, local solution initiatives, settling disputes, Fixed Amount Reimbursable Instrumentation Letters (FARILs), etc. These courses so far have taken place at USAID headquarters in Washington, D.C., as well as Afghanistan, Dubai, Liberia, and Thailand. Additional courses are scheduled for Haiti and Washington, D.C., in March 2016.
TetraTech was awarded in October 2012 the initial four-year CCWKMS task order with possible extension options.