ME&A Conducts Midterm Review of USAID Rule of Law Program in Georgia
ME&A is conducting a midterm performance evaluation of the Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG) activity, a USAID-funded program to strengthen Georgia’s justice system to ensure due process, judicial independence, and the protection of human rights. The activity is designed to address key rule of law challenges and capitalize on opportunities for accelerated rule of law and justice sector reforms where there is political will and/or interest from civil society.
PROLoG’s four objectives include:
- Strengthen the legal framework relating to human rights and due process protections
- Further improve the management of essential justice system institutions, such as the High Council of Justice, the High School of Justice, the courts, the Georgian Bar Association, and Legal Aid Services
- Enhance the capacity of Georgian legal professionals by further strengthening legal education at the university level by providing more practical skills training, and providing more opportunities for continuing legal education for current judges and lawyers
- Improve access to justice for marginalized citizens, in particular women and ethnic and sexual minorities
The evaluation ME&A is conducting will determine how effective PROLoG has been in achieving intended results as well as examine if the activity is being implemented according to the intention of the program design. ME&A will make recommendations on where USAID should concentrate its current and future efforts to strengthen Georgia’s rule of law.
USAID/Georgia awarded ME&A this task order under the USAID/Georgia Evaluation Mechanism Indefinite Quantity Contract to provide evaluation, monitoring, and assessment services for the Mission.