ME&A Conducts Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis in Bangladesh under BMEL
ME&A is conducting a gender and social inclusion analysis for USAID/Bangladesh under the Bangladesh Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (BMEL) Activity.
The objective is to identify the gender gaps/dynamics and social inclusion issues that might influence access and inclusion in current and future projects. This includes issues around gender; people with disabilities; and ethnic, religious, and gender minorities.
The analysis will provide evidence-based data to inform the development of a USAID/Bangladesh Office of Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) Project Appraisal Document (PAD). This PAD will guide USAID’s DRG work to support greater democratic political processes, a more engaged civil society advocating for citizens’ interests, increased resilience among youth to violent extremism, and a more inclusive approach to protecting human rights.
ME&A is conducting the analysis via fieldwork and a desk review of existing secondary information primarily using a qualitative analysis approach. There are three research areas:
- Relevant gender gaps and inclusion issues in the status and anticipated levels of participation of women and men that could hinder key results
- Key gender and other inequalities or needs for female empowerment and minority inclusion that could be addressed through current and future projects
- Any potential differential effects (including unintended or negative consequences) on women and men and relevant for marginalized groups
The gender and social inclusion analysis is one of 13 task orders BMEL has received to date covering a wide range of topics, including natural resources management; agriculture infrastructure; inclusive development; and democracy, human rights, and governance.
BMEL, run from ME&A’s project office in Dhaka, is a $9.4 million, five-year contract enabling USAID/Bangladesh to collect and use relevant data to achieve Mission development objectives, enhance the capacity of Mission staff members in learning and knowledge management, and enable evidence-based programmatic decision-making. Social Impact is ME&A’s subcontractor. USAID/Bangladesh awarded BMEL to ME&A under the U.S. General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedule 874, Professional Services Schedule (PSS/MOBIS).