ME&A Awarded Food for Peace Evaluation Contract
USAID recently awarded ME&A with the $20 million Food for Peace Evaluation and Learning Mechanism (EVELYN) contract to provide quality evaluation data to the USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP). EVELYN will be implemented over two years beginning in March 2017. ME&A will provide performance and impact evaluations, population based surveys, post-project evaluations, process evaluations, and thematic studies to USAID/FFP. Through EVELYN, ME&A will supply FFP with quality data about all aspects of the FFP program cycle to assist USAID in future project design and implementation.
FFP, USAID’s primary food assistance program, has been bringing help and hope to the far reaches of the world for 60 years – reaching more than 3 billion hungry people since its inception. FFP provides emergency food assistance to those affected by conflict and natural disasters and provides development food assistance to address the underlying causes of hunger. FFP’s programs cover a broad array of activities designed to help communities build their resilience so they can prevent or mitigate shocks, make sure they have food during a crisis and provide them the tools to recover and build the foundation for their long-term development.
ME&A’s subcontractors on this two-year project include: Abt Associates, ICF International, NORC at the University of Chicago, and Tango International. The ME&A EVELYN Team plans to begin initial evaluations shortly in Rwanda and Ethiopia.
ME&A is recognized today as one of the leading firms in monitoring, evaluation and learning of international development programs, having successfully completed more than 65 evaluations in over 25 countries worldwide for USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State.