ME&A Awarded Bangladesh Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (BMEL) Activity
ME&A will perform performance evaluations, impact evaluations, and special studies as well as collaboration, learning, adapting, and monitoring and evaluation capacity building activities for the USAID Mission in Bangladesh under the recently awarded Bangladesh Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (BMEL) Activity.
BMEL, run from a project office in Dhaka, will enable USAID/Bangladesh to collect and use relevant data to achieve Mission development objectives, enhance the capacity of Mission staff members in learning and knowledge management, and enable evidence-based programmatic decision-making.
BMEL is a $9.4 million, five-year contract. Social Impact is ME&A’s subcontractor. USAID/Bangladesh awarded BMEL to ME&A under the U.S. General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedule 874, Professional Services Schedule (PSS/MOBIS). ME&A holds multiple monitoring, evaluation, and learning contracts under USAID and the U.S. Department of State funding our work conducting more than 130 evaluations and assessments in over 40 countries worldwide.