HICD 2020 Video Showcases Improvements in Domestic Violence Survivors’ Lives
The USAID-funded Georgia Human and Institutional Capacity Development 2020 Activity (HICD 2020) recently produced a video on how its work building the capacity of strategic Georgian organizations in the public, private, and non-governmental sectors has helped domestic violence survivors in Georgia rebuild their lives.
“My life has changed to the extent I could have never imagined. After trainings, I started to work as a chef in the local birthday center,” a beneficiary reports in the video. “I provide for my family. My children play and laugh loudly without fear. We live in one room, but I can say for sure – it is a happy home!”
ME&A implements the HICD 2020 Task Order contract under USAID’s Human and Institutional Development (HICDpro) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, which was awarded to ME&A in November 2013. ME&A is joined in this effort by two subcontractors, Chemonics and Performance Design Partners (PDP). The contract is being managed locally through the ME&A/HICD2020 office in Tbilisi, Georgia.