HICD 2020 Launches Capacity Building Programs for 5 Key Georgian Institutions
In February and March 2016, the USAID-funded HICD 2020 Activity will launch capacity building programs for five Georgian institutions. Each of the five partner institutions has a strategic role to fulfill to ensure the steady development of the sectors in which they operate. They include:
Georgian Young Lawyer’s Association (GYLA) is one of the main human rights watchdogs in the country. It provides vulnerable citizens with free legal services and monitors activities of public agencies. HICD 2020 will assist GYLA to overcome gaps in its financial management and budgeting, human resource management, communications, project monitoring and grants management.
Electricity System Commercial Operator (ESCO) is the only commercial electric utility in Georgia; it plays a crucial role in the process of Georgia’s intention to integrate into the European Union. HICD 2020 will work with ESCO to improve its human and institutional capacity.
The State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking (ATIPfund) is a legal entity under the Georgian Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs. It provides care and services to the victims of human trafficking and domestic violence, as well as individuals with disabilities, foster children and the elderly. ATIPfund is committed to HICD activities to improve performance of the institution as a whole.
Georgian Revenue Service (GRS) has launched a number of electronic, “one-stop shop”, services to remodel Georgia’s tax and customs systems to make it more flexible and customer oriented. HICD 202 will assist GRS to enhance its human resource management policy.
Regional Civil Society Network (R-CSN), created by Georgia’s Civil Development Agency (CiDA) in 2013, is the largest regional network of local civil society organizations (CSOs) with active members in every region of Georgia. HICD 2020 will help build the capacity of CiDA to mentor and deliver consultancy services to the regional CSOs to strengthen the long-term effectiveness of R-CSN.
ME&A currently holds a five-year contract with USAID Georgia to implement HICD 2020. The objective of HICD 2020 is to achieve tangible improvements in the human and institutional capacity of USAID’s strategic partner organizations in Georgia including governmental, non-governmental, and for-profit entities.