Georgia Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Survey
ME&A is conducting a Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance public opinion survey (DRG) in Georgia to measure perceptions and behaviors, contextual information and high-level indicators that will be used to help track the progress of USAID-funded DRG activities at the DO and Project level.
USAID’s CDCS plan for Georgia 2013-2017 develops the U.S. Government’s strategy towards Georgia’s democratic and economic development. The strategy envisions three large areas of development that are termed DOs: DO1, democratic checks and balances and accountable government enhanced; DO2, inclusive and sustainable economic growth; and DO3, an increasingly stable, integrated and healthy society. The initial DRG survey was developed to measure high level indicators from DO1. The survey was drafted by the DG Office in coordination with the DRG Learning Center, and with input from ME&A and Georgian Opinion Research Business International (GORBI).
The baseline survey was completed in March 2016. Two follow-up waves will be conducted through 2019. The purpose is to measure change in public perceptions over time in an attempt to assess the performance of DG projects.
The survey includes objectives and programs related to three large-scale projects: Transparency and Accountable Governance (TAG), Strengthening Electoral and Political Processes (SEPP), and Promotion of Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG). In addition to measuring nationwide indicators related to the sub-objectives of these projects, the survey also seeks to address differences in perception and awareness among the majority (Georgian) and minority (Armenian and Azeri) ethnic groups, and includes questions related to minority rights.