ASPIRED Headlines Climatelinks’ New Series on Climate Risk Management
When Climatelinks recently debuted a new series on the benefits of Climate Risk Management (CRM) in its October newsletter, it featured an article on the CRM successes of the ME&A-led Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development (ASPIRED) project in Armenia.
Climatelinks is a global knowledge portal for USAID staff, implementing partners, and the broader community working at the intersection of climate change and international development. The portal, where the newsletter article also appeared, curates and archives technical guidance and knowledge related to USAID’s work to help countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. The article was researched and written through the USAID-funded Climate Integration Support Facility (CISF).
Besides appearing in the Climatelinks newsletter and website, the article was disseminated across social media, including the USAID/Armenia Facebook page.
USAID/Armenia awarded ASPIRED to ME&A as a task order under the Water and Development Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract (WADI) providing the USAID Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment with services and technical support to assist USAID’s Missions, Bureaus, and Offices worldwide in the implementation of the Agency’s Water and Development Strategy.
Under ASPIRED, ME&A collaborates with the USAID/U.S. Global Development Lab/Center for Data, Analysis, and Research (DAR), the U.S. Geological Survey, and other relevant institutions to pilot innovative technologies for water conservation and fish farms; establish transformational partnerships; and promote evidence- and science-based water resource monitoring, planning and management. In addition, ME&A also works with the private sector, academia, and other donors to leverage their resources and expertise in the Armenian water and energy sector.